Adult health

Adult health

Some medical issues are more common in people with Down syndrome.

In some countries, people with Down syndrome will be tested for these issues as part of their usual healthcare.

This helps professionals to find and treat any problems they may have as early as possible.


Heart problems are common in people with Down syndrome.

People with Down syndrome should have regular heart checks so that any problems can be found and treated as early as possible.

Cardiac consensus statement.

We worked with heart experts from around the world to write an article about heart conditions in people with Down syndrome. 

The article will help health professionals to give good care to people with Down syndrome who have heart problems.

It includes best practices in diagnosis, treatment, lifelong follow-up, and prevention of complications.

The article has been published in ‘Circulation’, a world-leading cardiovascular journal.


People with Down syndrome can have the same problems with their eyesight as any other person.

These problems are more common in people who have Down syndrome and can happen at a younger age.

They need regular eye checks to find and treat any problems they may have as early as possible. This will minimise the effects of the problem.

People with Down syndrome have poor visual acuity. This means that what they see is not as detailed or clear as it is for other people. This is the case even when they are wearing glasses.

People with Down syndrome benefit from having big and bold printed materials and pictures.

Ears and hearing.

It is common for people with Down syndrome to begin to lose their hearing at a younger age than other people. 

Hearing should be checked every year to find and treat problems as early as possible.


People with Down syndrome are more likely to have thyroid problems.

Regular blood tests help doctors to check for thyroid problems.

Coeliac disease.

Coeliac disease means your body can’t take in some parts of food. This condition is more common in people with Down syndrome.

To feel better, you need to eat food without gluten. A dietitian can help you with this.

Neck instability.

The joints at the top of the spine and the base of the skull help us move our heads.

People with Down syndrome have stretchier ligaments. This means their joints can be looser and more flexible.

Loose joints can cause the bones in the spine to slip. If a bone slips too much, it can press on the nerves.

This slipping can happen slowly or suddenly, like in a whiplash injury. It can cause problems if not treated.

If a doctor thinks there is neck instability, they will send the person to a specialist. This could be an orthopedic surgeon or a spinal neurosurgeon.

Sexual health.

People with intellectual disabilities need to love and be loved just like anyone else.

People should be able to express their sexuality in ways that are right for them. This means they can choose how to show their love and feelings.

It is important to keep children, young people, and adults safe. This should not stop them from having a full life. They need to have control and make their own choices.

Emotional wellbeing.

Many people with Down syndrome feel happy and do not show signs of bad mental health.

But some things can make people with Down syndrome more likely to have mental health problems.

Their bodies can be different, and daily stresses can be harder for them.

These differences and stresses can lead to mood, emotional, and other mental health issues.


People with Down syndrome can get depression just like anyone else. The effects of depression are the same for everyone.

If you feel depressed, it is important to ask for help. Having Down syndrome does not mean you should feel sad.

Be patient with yourself or others who have depression. Depression is an illness, and most people get better with treatment and support.

Remember, getting help and support can make a big difference. You are not alone, and things can get better.

Alzheimer's disease and dementia.

Alzheimer’s disease makes people forget things. It can also make it hard to think and talk clearly.

People with Down syndrome can get Alzheimer’s disease at a younger age than others. They might get it 30 to 40 years earlier.

It is common for people with Down syndrome and dementia to have seizures. Seizures can be the first sign of dementia.

If the person already has seizures, they might change. The number, type, or strength of seizures can be different.

It is important to watch for these changes. This helps doctors give the right care.

We are working hard to make health care better.

In some places, people with Down syndrome can access the healthcare they need. In other places, they do not get any healthcare at all. This is not fair.

We are working on advocacy, training and resources to help improve healthcare systems for people with Down syndrome.

Read more about Down syndrome.

Get a copy of our 'About Down syndrome' information pack.

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