Employment self-advocacy
About this project.
We worked with our member organisations in Bangladesh, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda and Uganda.
We helped them to set up groups of self-advocates to speak up for inclusive employment.
Why we are doing this project.
Decision makers and employers People with Down syndrome and intellectual disabilities often find it hard to get jobs.
The biggest problem is that governments do not include people with Down syndrome and intellectual disabilities when they make plans and policies.
Even groups that help people with disabilities do not always listen to those with Down syndrome and intellectual disabilities.
This is not fair!
This project contributes to our work on the issue of inclusive employment.
What we did.
We trained staff in our member organisations about rights-based advocacy and how to include people with Down syndrome and intellectual disabilities.
We helped the organisations to set up self-advocacy groups and to make plans together to speak up about employment.
Thank you!
The work is part of a programme led by the International Disability Alliance and funded by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation.