Inclusive employment case study

Inclusive employment case study

About this project.

We published a case study on best practices in the inclusive employment of people with intellectual disabilities in Bangladesh.

The case study can be used by governments around the world to make work places more inclusive.

Why we are doing this project.

In Bangladesh, people with Down syndrome and learning disabilities often find it hard to get jobs.

Decision-makers do not include people with Down syndrome and learning disabilities when they make plans and policies.

This project contributes to our work on the issue of inclusive employment.

What we did.​

We interviewed people with intellectual disabilities, family members and employers in Bangladesh.

We asked them about the barriers that stop people with Down syndrome and intellectual disabilities from working.

We used this information to write a case study about employment in Bangladesh.

The case study.

Our Case Study on Best Practices in the Inclusive Employment of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities in Bangladesh shares what we learned from the interviews. 

It also gives recommendations for the government of Bangladesh and employers to make inclusive work environments for persons with intellectual disabilities and all other employees.

Thank you!

Thank you to our Fellow in Bangladesh, Ishaque Mia, for taking the lead on this project.

This project was funded by Inclusive Futures, a UK Aid-funded consortium of 16 disability and development organisations led by Sightsavers, working to create a future that is inclusive of people with disabilities.

The approaches we use in this project:​

Developing and sharing evidence.

Empowering people to speak up.

Supporting organisations.

Building and leading partnerships

Coordinating advocacy.

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