Inclusive employment webinars
About this project.
We worked with self-advocates with intellectual disabilities to develop and deliver webinars on best practices for inclusive employment of persons with intellectual disabilities.
Why we are doing this project.
People with Down syndrome and learning disabilities often find it hard to get jobs.
Decision-makers and employers think wrongly about them and do not know how to make workplaces inclusive.
This project contributes to our work on the issue of inclusive employment.
What we did.
We worked with 5 self-advocates with intellectual disabilities from Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, Uganda and Bangladesh.
We helped them to learn about employment in their country and what needs to change.
We then helped them to develop and deliver webinars, speaking on behalf of people with intellectual disabilities in their country.
Best practice webinars.
“We have a right to live well. We need clothes, we need food, we need houses. For us to get money to buy all these things we need work. I have a right to work.”
Muthoni, Kenya
"We have experiences and skills we can share with employers if given a chance. It is upon you, employers, to give us that chance, so people become aware that we exist and we are working, we can live an infinite life."
Samuel, Uganda
"If people with disabilities don't get opportunities then we will never know what they are capable of."
Eric, Rwanda
"We are loyal to our employers."
Favour, Nigeria
"Employers do not want to give us jobs as they do not understand our needs. Employers are not willing to give us a reasonable salary."
Fahim, Bangladesh
Thank you!
Thank you to the self-advocates who took part in this project – Muthoni, Samuel, Eric, Favour and Fahim.
This project was funded by Inclusive Futures, a UK Aid-funded consortium of 16 disability and development organisations led by Sightsavers, working to create a future that is inclusive of people with disabilities.