Inclusive participation with CAST

Inclusive participation with CAST

About this project.

We are working with our UK member, the Down’s Syndrome Association, and our Ambassador Committee.

We are learning about the best ways to help people join in online using technology.

Why we are doing this project.​

A lot of communication happens online. 

Many people who have Down syndrome find this difficult. 

There are many barriers, including access to technology, hard-to-use or inaccessible apps, and a lack of good support.

We want communication to be accessible to everyone.

This project contributes to our work on the issue of inclusive organisations.

What we are doing.

We are working with people with Down syndrome to learn the best ways to communicate online so that it is easier for people with Down syndrome to take part.

Watch this video to learn more about this project from Ambassador Sheri and Staff member Robin:

Stage 1 - Explore.

We supported people with Down syndrome to interview groups of self-advocates.

They asked quetions about the barriers people with Down syndrome face when they want to take part in the work of organisations online. 

"As a person with Down syndrome, when I am working with organisatons remotely, I need clear and accessible communication so I can understand and take part."

Stage 2 - Definition.

Our working group used the research to think about how online communication can be accessible. 

They looked at existing products to think about what works and what does not.

Stage 3 - Continuation.

We need more funding to continue this project.

We will test existing products with our self-advocacy networks.

We will develop training for organisations and self-advocates to set-up and use the products.

Thank you.

Thank you to the Down’s Syndrome Association and to all of the self-advocates who took part in this project.

Thank you to ‘Outlandish’ and CAST for support on this project.

This project has been funded by Comic Relief and the Paul Hamlyn Foundation.

The approaches we use in this project:

Developing and sharing evidence.

Empowering people to speak up.

Supporting organisations.

Building and leading partnerships

Coordinating advocacy.

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