Your new baby

Your new baby

Congratulations on the arrival of your baby!

If your baby is healthy, their needs will be the same as any other baby. You don’t need to do anything differently.

A safe and loving environment is the most important thing you can give your baby.

Your baby's health.

Some health conditions are more common in children with Down syndrome.

In some countries, children with Down syndrome will be tested for these conditions as part of their usual healthcare. 

Learn about the health conditions that are more common in children with Down syndrome on our child health page.

Feeding your baby.

Breast milk contains antibodies that help protect babies from infections.

Many babies with Down syndrome can breastfeed. Some mothers and babies need help to get started.

Breastmilk can be expressed and given to the baby using a bottle or cup.

A few babies have health problems which make feeding more difficult.

If you want help with feeding, always ask a qualified professional, for example, a health visitor or speech and language therapist with expertise in feeding.

Moving onto solid food.

Some children with Down syndrome take longer to learn how to suck, chew and swallow.

Some babies with Down syndrome are sensitive to different textures and prefer smoother foods and familiar flavours. 

As with any child, it is important to provide a healthy and balanced diet.

If you want help with feeding, always ask a qualified professional, for example, a health visitor or speech and language therapist with expertise in feeding.

Local support.

Some families find it helpful to meet other families who have a child with Down syndrome.

Our member organisation in your country can help you to connect with other families.

Click here to find contact details for our member organisation in your country:

Read more about Down syndrome.

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