Organisation membership

Organisation membership

Organisation members represent people with Down syndrome and their families in their country.

Organisation members work together to deliver global advocacy campaigns to bring about change.

There are two types of organisation members in our network:

Representative organisations are usually national Down syndrome organisations that represent their country in the network.

Affiliate organisations are other Down syndrome or disability advocacy groups, or organisations that focus on specific issues like healthcare, education, or employment.

Organisation member benefits:

  • Network meetings.

Organisation members are invited to attend meetings with the Programme team and other network members. This might be to discuss a particular project or campaign.

  • Annual 1-to-1 meetings.

Organisation members are invited to meet 1-to-1 with a member of the Programme team. This is an opportunity to talk about their work and the particular challenges they are facing. This is currently available for Representative members only.

  • Surveys.

Organisation members are invited to complete surveys to share information about the situation in their country.

  • Training.

Organisation members are invited to attend training sessions to help increase the capacity of their organisation.

  • Projects.

Organisation members have opportunities to work with the Programme team and other members on joint projects.

  • International advocacy.

Organisation members are invited to participate in international advocacy activities, including speaking at the United Nations.

  • Call to action.

Organisation members are invited to collaborate on the planning and execution of international campaigns. 

How to become a member:

  1. Check that your organisation meets the membership criteria (see below).
  2. If your organisation meets these criteria, you can apply by completing the ‘Network membership application’ form.
  3. A member of the staff team will review your application. This will involve assessing the information you have provided, reviewing publicly available information about your organisation, and consulting with any existing Representative Organisation members in your country. They will make a recommendation to the Board of Trustees for approval. (This process takes approximately 2-3 months from the date you submit your application.)
  4. If your application is successful you will be invited to become a member.
  5. If your application is not successful we will give reasons so that you know what changes to make before a future re-application.

Annual membership for an organisation is £300 (GBP). For organisations with limited financial means, we may waive or reduce the annual subscription.

Organisation membership criteria:

Criteria for representative membership:
  • Your organisation must promote the rights of people with Down syndrome and ensure they are treated equally in society.
  • Your organisation must help people with Down syndrome and their families in all aspects of their lives, not just one specific area.
  • Your organisation must be led by people with Down syndrome and their families, having a majority of people with Down syndrome and/or family members on the board and membership.
  • Your organisation must commit to actively participating in DSi’s work and activities.


Criteria for affiliate membership:
  • Your organisation must work to improve the quality of life for people with Down syndrome.
  • Your organisation must commit to actively participating in DSi’s work and activities.


If your organisation meets these criteria, you can apply for membership by completing our application form:

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