Our strategy – Principles guiding our work
(the things we must commit to in all our work)
We will be led by people with Down syndrome and their families in their communities.
People with Down syndrome and their families know best what needs to change in their communities.
We will make sure people with Down syndrome lead everything we do.
We will make all our communication and information easy-to-understand.
When communication is easy-to-understand, it makes it more accessible for everyone.
We will make sure all our communication and information is easy-to-understand.
We will aim to make changes that last for a long time, not quick fixes.
To make a change that lasts for a long time, we need to look at the causes of problems.
We will make changes that make people’s lives better for a long time.
We will make sure no person with Down syndrome is left behind.
Some people with Down syndrome need extra support to take part.
Some people with Down syndrome have fewer opportunities or are treated unfairly because of their gender, race, or other reasons.
We will make sure that we include all people with Down syndrome in our network so no one is left behind.
We will learn together to make our work better in the future.
It is important that we learn from what goes well and what could be better.
We will make sure our network learns together to improve our work in the future.
This will help us to make the biggest change possible in the lives of people with Down syndrome.