The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (sometimes called the “CRPD”) is an international agreement on the rights of people with disabilities.
The CRPD was made because people with disabilities were not getting their human rights. They were being treated unfairly.
The CRPD tells countries what they must do to help people with disabilities. Countries that sign it must follow these rules.
Click the button below to view the full text of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
Click below to view an EasyRead guide to the Convention.
This version is not a legal paper. You need to look at the full agreement itself if you want to know what exactly the agreement says, or what countries have signed up to.
Children’s charity UNICEF has created a children’s guide to The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, called “It’s About Ability”.
The purpose is to empower children, with and without disabilities, to play their part in challenging discrimination and promoting the Convention’s principles.
All our work is supported by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
These are the human rights issues that we believe need the most attention right now:
Inclusive organisations
We believe everyone should have a say in decisions that affect them.
The problem is many people with intellectual disabilities are not included in a meaningful way. This is not fair.
Inclusive health
Everyone has the right to good healthcare. This means no one should be treated unfairly because of who they are.
People with Down syndrome do not always get the healthcare they need. This is not fair.
Inclusive education
Every child has the right to a good education.
Many children with Down syndrome do not get the education they need to have a good life. This is not fair.
Inclusive employment
Everyone should be able to work in a place where they are welcome and included in a meaningful way.
Bad attitudes and lack of knowledge stop many from working. This is not fair.