Inclusive education: a pilot study in the UK

Inclusive education: a pilot study in the UK

About this project.

We explored the best ways of making education systems more inclusive, using our International Guidelines for the Education of Learners with Down Syndrome.

We worked with our member organisations in the UK, the Down’s Syndrome Association and Down’s Syndrome Scotland.

Why we are doing this project.

In 2020, we published our International Guidelines for the Education of Learners with Down Syndrome.

To make an impact in countries around the world the guidelines need to be promoted and implemented.

We need to find out the best ways to support the people who work in education systems to bring about change.

This project contributes to our work on the issue of inclusive education.

What we did.

We ran a UK-wide project to learn about inclusion in the education system and what needs to change.

Lots of people told us that they need more information to help them include learners with Down syndrome.

The Down’s Syndrome Association is now working to make this information available.

They are sharing resources on their website:

What we will do next.

We have learnt a lot from this pilot study.

We will use this to help change education systems in other countries around the world.

The approaches we use in this project:​

Developing and sharing evidence.

Empowering people to speak up.

Supporting organisations.

Building and leading partnerships

Coordinating advocacy.

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